Rivers SOS petition lodged in parliament

Our Rivers SOS petition regarding mining impacts in the Southern Coalfields, launched at our community meeting in Picton Shire Hall earlier this year, has now been lodged with the Legislative Assembly by Brad Hazzard, Shadow Minister for Planning.

Brad Hazzard photo Rivers SOS had a delegation to discuss mining matters with him, including Drs Ian Wright and Ann Young. Brad Hazzard has on several occasions promised to abolish Part 3A planning laws.

There were over 1000 signatures in this petition. We will also give a copy to Phil Costa, Minister for Water. We thank everyone who contributed to this work.

The petition asks the Government:

1. To mandate a safety zone of 1 k around major river systems, to include their tributary creeks and streams and their feeder swamps, to prevent permanent damage caused by longwall mining.
2. To ensure that Panels of Experts advising the government on mine plans be balanced by the appointment of experts with no professional associations with the mining industry.
3. To ensure that heritage listed buildings, the Dharawal State Conservation Area, and the Special Areas of Sydney’s drinking water catchment not be undermined.
4. To ensure that the width of longwall panels under built-up areas and villages be no more than 100m.
5. To ensure that Stage 4 of the West Cliff emplacement area not be approved
6. To repeal Part 3A of the EP&A Act (1979)  and reinstate rights of appeal and community consultation.

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